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Liver Detox

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Liver Detox is an advanced natural supplement that promotes liver health and function. Support natural body cleansing & detoxification processes, reduce bloating, maintain general health and wellbeing.


Encourages Liver Cleansing

Strengthens The Immune System

Boosts Energy and Vitality

Supports the Digestive System


Herbavitality Liver Detox Complex Contains the best natural ingredients for supporting detoxification of the liver: Silymarin , Artichokes and Ginger.

1 x €29.90
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2 x €26.91
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3 x €23.92
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Liver Detox

Liver Detox is an advanced natural supplement that promotes liver health and function. Support natural body cleansing & detoxification processes, reduce bloating, maintain general health and wellbeing. Encourages Liver CleansingStrengthens The Immune SystemBoosts Energy and VitalitySupports the Digestive System Herbavitality Liver Detox Complex Contains the best natural ingredients for supporting detoxification of the liver: Silymarin , Artichokes and Ginger.

Suitable Users

The liver is the most important organ for detoxifying the body. The liver doesn’t hurt because it doesn’t have nerve endings, so we often find out too late that we have liver problems. The liver performs more than 500 vital functions. We can only survive 3 days with liver failure.  Detoxification is the process the liver uses to break down and eliminate harmful substances from the body. This means your liver plays an important role in your body’s natural digestion and detoxification processes.


Drinkers and individuals who excessively consume alcohol, leading to potential long-term impacts on liver health and function.

People with poor diets often consume excessive amounts of processed foods, sugary beverages, deep-fried items, high-fat snacks, and insufficient servings of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

People who regularly stay up late and experience poor and insufficient sleep.

People with poor liver functions or digestive systems

People with excess body weight, unexplainable weight gain or inability to Lose Weight

Why Herbavitality is good for you

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The Importance of Supporting Liver Health: A Medical Perspective

The liver, the body’s largest internal organ, serves as a crucial hub for metabolic processes, particularly in fat metabolism. Its optimal function profoundly influences metabolic rate and energy levels. While liver health is often overlooked in discussions about weight management, it plays a pivotal role in metabolizing fats.

An unhealthy liver tends to hinder fat metabolism, leading to fat accumulation, especially around the abdomen, making weight loss challenging. Accumulation in this area often indicates a fatty liver condition. Improving liver function is essential to restoring efficient fat metabolism, enabling gradual and sustainable weight loss.

Maintaining liver health is critical for anyone seeking to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. By supporting liver function through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, individuals can enhance overall metabolic efficiency and promote long-term wellness.


  • Removal of Toxins: The liver plays a crucial role in filtering and removing toxins from the bloodstream, promoting cleaner blood and reducing the burden on other organs.

  • Improved Digestion: A healthy liver produces bile, which aids in the digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Detoxification supports optimal bile production, thus enhancing digestive function.

  • Enhanced Metabolism: By detoxifying harmful substances, the liver helps maintain metabolic processes, including the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for energy production.

  • Supports Weight Management: A well-functioning liver contributes to efficient fat metabolism, potentially aiding in weight loss or weight management goals.

  • Boosts Immune Function: A cleaner liver can enhance immune function by reducing the load of toxins and promoting better overall immune response against infections and illnesses.

  • Increases Energy Levels: Improved liver function can lead to higher energy levels and reduced fatigue, as metabolic processes run more efficiently.

  • Promotes Skin Health: Liver detoxification can contribute to clearer skin by reducing the accumulation of toxins that may otherwise contribute to skin issues.

  • Supports Hormone Balance: The liver plays a role in metabolizing hormones. Detoxification helps maintain hormonal balance, which is crucial for various bodily functions.

  • Reduces Oxidative Stress: Detoxifying the liver can decrease oxidative stress and inflammation throughout the body, supporting long-term health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

  • Overall Well-being: By optimizing liver function through detoxification, individuals may experience improved mood, mental clarity, and a general sense of well-being.

Fatty liver disease, also known as hepatic steatosis, can be caused by several factors:

Maintain a healthy weight Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (or “fatty liver” colloquially) affects an increasing share of society, and gastroenterologists even suggest that it may soon take first place among the reasons for liver transplantation. Excess body weight, especially in the abdominal area, puts the organ under extreme stress and leads to excessive accumulation of fat in it. This, in turn, hinders liver function and compromises the body’s natural detoxification mechanism.

WHAT causes fatty liver?

  1. Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption is a common cause of fatty liver disease. It can lead to alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD), which ranges from simple steatosis (fat accumulation) to more severe conditions like alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis.

  2. Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is closely associated with obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. These conditions collectively contribute to fat accumulation in the liver.

  3. Insulin Resistance: When the body’s cells become resistant to the effects of insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels), the liver compensates by producing more insulin. Elevated insulin levels can lead to increased fat storage in the liver.

  4. High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia): Elevated blood sugar levels, often seen in individuals with poorly controlled diabetes, can lead to increased fat accumulation in the liver.

  5. High Levels of Triglycerides: Elevated levels of triglycerides (a type of fat) in the blood can contribute to fatty liver disease.

  6. Rapid Weight Loss: Rapid weight loss, especially through crash diets or bariatric surgery, can lead to the release of fats from adipose tissue into the bloodstream, which may overwhelm the liver’s ability to process them, resulting in fatty liver.

  7. Medications: Certain medications, such as corticosteroids, tamoxifen, methotrexate, and others, can cause or exacerbate fatty liver disease.

  8. Genetic Factors: Some genetic disorders, such as familial hypobetalipoproteinemia and Wilson’s disease, can predispose individuals to develop fatty liver disease.

  9. Malnutrition: Severe malnutrition, particularly protein-calorie malnutrition, can lead to fatty liver due to deficiencies in essential nutrients that affect liver function.

  10. Other Causes: Rapid onset of severe illness, certain viral infections (such as hepatitis C), and exposure to toxins can also contribute to fatty liver disease.

It’s important to note that fatty liver disease often progresses silently, without symptoms, but can lead to more serious complications such as liver inflammation (steatohepatitis), fibrosis, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer if left untreated. Management typically involves addressing underlying causes such as weight loss, dietary changes, managing diabetes and other metabolic conditions, and avoiding alcohol consumption. Seeking medical advice and regular monitoring are crucial for individuals at risk or diagnosed with fatty liver disease.

What are the MOST COMMON SYMPTOMS of fatty liver?


Noticeable bloating, tense abdomen and fluid retention in the body may indicate a fatty liver. 



If the liver is not functioning properly, excessive fatigue may occur, which also affects concentration and sleep.



The liver helps maintain optimal body temperature. In fatty liver this ability is reduced, leading to excessive sweating, and in some cases, it may cause cold chills.  

Recognizing Liver Issues: Signs and Symptoms You Should Know

Liver issues can manifest in various ways, and symptoms can vary depending on the specific condition affecting the liver. Here are some common symptoms of liver problems:

Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and eyes due to elevated bilirubin levels in the blood.

Fatigue: Persistent tiredness or weakness that doesn’t improve with rest.

Abdominal pain and swelling: Pain or discomfort in the upper right abdomen, and swelling (ascites) due to fluid retention.

Swelling in the legs and ankles: Fluid retention can lead to swelling in the lower extremities.

Itchy skin: Skin may become itchy due to bile products accumulating in the skin.

Dark urine: Urine may appear dark or tea-colored.

Pale stool: Stool may become pale or clay-colored.

Nausea or vomiting: Persistent nausea or episodes of vomiting.

Loss of appetite: A reduced desire to eat or feeling full quickly after eating small amounts.

Easy bruising or bleeding: The liver plays a role in blood clotting, so liver damage can lead to increased bruising or bleeding.

The Liver’s Role in Sustainable Weight Loss

Most people don’t think about liver health in terms of weight loss, but the liver plays a crucial role in metabolizing fat. When the liver is in poor health, fat tends to be stored, particularly around the midsection, making weight loss nearly unattainable. In cases where the liver struggles to efficiently regulate fat metabolism, weight gain is likely to concentrate in the abdominal region, negatively impacting the waistline. This is often indicative of a fatty liver, and shedding this abdominal fat can be an arduous task until liver function is enhanced. When excess sugar overwhelms the liver, unable to be burned off by the body, it transforms this surplus energy into glycogen, storing it as fat. This fat tends to gather in the upper abdominal area, manifesting as the familiar “spare tire” or “liver roll.” If you’re feeling fatigued, sluggish, and experiencing weight gain, it may indicate that your liver is burdened by an excess of toxins, hindering proper nutrient and fat metabolism. By enhancing liver function, the organ can efficiently burn fat, leading to gradual and relatively effortless weight loss. A well-functioning liver easily metabolizes fats and toxins, fostering a high-functioning metabolism that efficiently burns calories and sustains energy levels. Conversely, a “clogged” liver struggles to break down fats and harmful substances, resulting in the creation of more fat to store these toxins. This detrimental cycle ultimately leads to weight gain and an overload of harmful substances that hamper energy levels. Over time, the liver becomes congested, impeding the processing of sugars and fats, causing the accumulation of fat in other areas of the body and contributing to weight gain. Consequently, it is crucial for anyone seeking weight loss or aiming to maintain a healthy weight to prioritize the well-being of their liver.

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has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. And it may help the liver repair itself by growing new cells. Silymarin is an active concept obtained from milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum). It could protect liver cells from chemicals and drugs that are harmful. Silymarin has besides antifibrotic, immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory effects as well as antioxidant properties by scavenging free radicals and increasing the glutathione concentrations


help remove toxins, cholesterol, xenobiotics, and other metabolites. These functions combined provide liver support and protection, and promote normal body mass index (BMI), further reducing the risk of complications of obesity to the liver and other health aspects. artichoke can improve liver function for people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Ginger root

contains powerful compounds, including gingerols and shogaols, that help inhibit inflammation and protect against cellular damage, which may help support liver health. Plus, ginger may help protect your liver against toxins and alcohol.


Take two (2) capsules daily: one (1) capsule in the morning and one (1) capsule in the evening.

Take capsules with a glass of water, either before or with meals.

For optimal results and to support balanced nutrient levels, continue using the product for a recommended period of 90 days.

You will notice the FIRST RESULTS after just 3 days of regular use. 

Over 35,000+ customers use &
Recommend Herbavitality

John D. – 42, Smoker:

“I’ve been dealing with fatty liver issues for years. This supplement has noticeably improved my liver function tests. My doctor is impressed with the results!”

Laura P. – 29, City Resident:

“I started taking this supplement after feeling sluggish and bloated. It has helped me feel more alert and lighter. I’m grateful for the positive change!”

Tom H. – 35, Frequent Traveler:

“This liver supplement has been recommended to me by my healthcare provider. I appreciate the natural ingredients and the positive impact it has had on my liver health.”

Sarah M. – 50, Office Worker:

“This liver supplement was recommended to me by my nutritionist to aid in my weight management efforts. It’s been effective in helping me metabolize fats more efficiently, and I’ve seen steady progress in achieving my weight goals. I feel healthier and more energized since incorporating it into my daily routine.”

Alex R. – 38, Fitness Enthusiast:

“As someone who enjoys socializing, I was worried about the impact on my liver. This supplement gives me peace of mind knowing I’m supporting my liver health.”

Peter L. – 46, Construction Worker:

“I’ve incorporated this supplement into my routine to complement my healthy lifestyle. It’s easy to take and has become an essential part of my daily regimen.”

Thomas. – 31, Teacher:

“I was skeptical at first, but this supplement has exceeded my expectations. My digestion has improved, and I feel more balanced overall.”

Lisa T. – 39, Mother of Two:

“After a month of taking this liver supplement, I feel more energetic and less bloated. It seems to have helped with my digestion too. Definitely sticking with it!”

David S. – 54, Retiree:

“Since using this liver supplement, I’ve noticed my skin has cleared up and I have more energy throughout the day. It’s been a game-changer for me.”

Lisa S. – 34 Smoker:

“After experiencing occasional digestive discomfort, I decided to try this supplement. It’s gentle on my stomach and has made a noticeable difference.”

Transform Your Liver Health with Herbavitality's Liver Support Supplement

Take Charge of Your Liver Health Today!


Don’t let compromised liver function affect your well-being. Herbavitality’s Liver Support Supplement is your natural solution for promoting liver health and function. Order now to experience the benefits firsthand!


Herbavitality – Support Your Liver, Live Healthier