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3 Signs That Your Liver Needs Cleanse Page

The liver is your largest internal organ, but you may not realise it is also the major fat burning organ in your body!

The liver is just as vital an organ as the heart, it is the largest gland, and the largest solid organ in the body, performing over 500 functions. It helps you digest food, convert it to energy, and store that energy for future use. It also plays an important role in filtering toxic substances out of your blood. An overburdened liver can slow down metabolism and can lead to more serious health issues, so taking care of it is essential.

That’s why I’m sharing with you 3 signs that your liver needs a cleanse, so keep reading…

Sign â„–1 Unexplainable Weight Gain Or Inability To Lose Weight

Most people don’t think about liver health in terms of weight loss, but the liver is responsible for helping metabolize fat. When your liver is unhealthy, you tend to store fat, especially around your midsection, and weight loss is pretty much impossible. If the liver does not regulate fat metabolism efficiently, weight gain tends to occur around the abdominal area. This is not good for the waistline! This is often a sign of a fatty liver. It can be almost impossible to lose this abdominal fat until the liver function is improved. 

This buildup of fat in the liver is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It is closely associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome. 

In fact, 32% of ADULTS are struggling with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease! It’s actually recognized as the most common cause of chronic liver disease in different regions of the world!

When the liver is overcome with sugar that the body cannot burn, the liver converts this energy into glycogen, and stores it as fat. This fat tends to accumulate in the upper abdominal area, giving the appearance of the “spare tire” or “liver roll,” which is a roll of fat around the upper abdomen. 

You may not be aware of it, but if you are tired, sluggish and putting on weight, then your body or more specifically, your liver, might be burdened by an excess of toxins that directly prevent it from metabolizing nutrients and fats properly. Once the liver function is improved, the liver will start burning fat efficiently again and the weight comes off gradually and without too much effort from you. 

A healthy liver can metabolize fats and toxins easily, resulting in a high-functioning metabolism that burns calories efficiently and a body that’s full of energy. However, if it becomes ‘clogged,’ it is unable to break down fats and harmful substances, and, in effect, creates more fat to store the toxins. 

This harmful cycle eventually results in you gaining weight and being overloaded with harmful substances that impede your energy levels.

So, over time, fat and toxins build up in the liver and the metabolism slows down! The liver gets congested and can not process sugars and fats as effectively, causing fat to build up in other parts of the body and lead to weight gain. 

Anyone wishing to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight must pay attention to the health of their liver.

Hi, I’ve been working as a hepatologist for over two decades now and I’ve helped hundreds of people struggling with different types of liver problems. That’s why I’m here to help you too and to remind you how important it is to take care of your liver. Because a healthy liver means a healthy YOU. 

Sign â„–2: Excessive sweating

Did you know that an unhealthy liver can cause overheating? 

This overheating can come in waves and is often associated with extreme fatigue and sweating. If your liver is fatty, inflamed or sluggish, it will struggle to carry out its functions, and overheat in the process. The excess sweating is a reaction of the overheated body to cool body temperature and allow increased excretion of toxins through the skin. The sweating often occurs on the head and face. And because the liver is such a large organ, it causes your whole body to overheat when it is overworked. 

2 of the main liver functions are fat burning and detoxification. So you may feel exhausted, overly sensitive to heat or unable to lose weight if your liver health is poor. In Chinese medicine, the liver is associated with anger and “heat,” or fever, redness and an excess of heat. So, people with liver damage often can appear red-faced with excessive sweating and overheating.

Sign â„–3: Itchy skin

A build-up of toxins in the blood can cause itching. It often starts in the hands (the palms) and feet (the soles) and spreads to other parts of the body and can lead to a distracting, often overwhelming, desire to scratch. Itch is also common in people who have liver disease, such as hepatitis C, cirrhosis, or an obstructed bile duct. 

Continual itching can interfere with sleep and lead to a host of other problems, making this a serious health concern.

Scratching may make the skin itchier when the itch is due to an underlying disease. So, you scratch more. Harder. And instead of relief, it itches more! Chronic, uncontrollable, itchy skin can change your quality of life…

This is not something you should neglect, because when itching persists, it can contribute to: 

  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Impaired quality of life

As damage progresses, people may experience confusion, easy bruising or bleeding, swelling in the abdomen, legs, and feet, and signs of jaundice. 

So, if you experience any of the following issues… 

  • Unexplainable weight gain – you’ve noticed unexplainable weight gain and find it challenging to shed those stubborn extra pounds.
  • Itchy skin – your skin persistently itches, and you can’t seem to pinpoint the cause.
  • Excessive sweating – You often find yourself sweating more than usual 
  • Fatigue – Even after resting, you feel like you’ve run a marathon.
  • Bad breath or body odor – you’re self-conscious about an unusual odor that you can’t seem to shake off 

Then it’s quite possible that your liver may need some extra help.

If you identify with any of these symptoms, it might be time to consider the extra support that HerbaVitality Liver can provide… 

Proper supplementation helps treat Liver issues. The best solution is to take HerbaVitality Liver regularly.

wooden table with tree branches in the foreground, blurred background of trees in the background

With its special blend of natural ingredients known for liver protection and detoxification, you’re giving your liver the fighting chance it deserves. HerbaVitality Liver is a natural food supplement that supports healthy liver function, promotes strong immunity, helps to detoxify and helps in weight management. 

THE NUMBER 1 dietary supplement for those who:

  • Believe their liver might be overburdened or not functioning optimally.
  • Are frustrated with advice that doesn’t seem to address their liver health concerns.
  • Want to address that unexplained weight gain which stops them from fitting into their favorite outfits.
  • Indulge in fast food or not-so-healthy eating habits, consume alcohol regularly, and are concerned about their liver’s well-being.
  • Experience persistent fatigue, weakness, or digestive issues hinting at liver distress.
  • Notice symptoms like itchy skin, excessive sweating, or yellowing of the skin and eyes, and seek a natural solution to liver health.
  • Are looking for a potent blend of natural ingredients developed to support healthy liver function, promote strong immunity and liver detox.

Why should I start taking HerbaVitality Liver right away?

Did you know that sudden weight gain, when you’ve been sticking to your usual meals and walks, could be your liver trying to send a message? Or those days when you’re sweating excessively, even in cooler conditions? And the persistent itchiness on your hands and feet that just won’t go away? They might not be random annoyances but hints from your liver asking for a little backup. The sooner you start taking this liver supplement, the sooner your liver will receive the support it needs to start repairing itself. 

When you think about it, the road to maintaining a healthy weight runs right through the heart of liver function. If shedding those extra pounds or keeping to your desired weight is your goal, then prioritizing liver health becomes non-negotiable. But it’s not just about weight; a healthy liver is foundational for our overall wellbeing. From energy levels to healthy skin, from digestion to immune response, the liver plays a pivotal role in how we feel each day. 

Choose Your HerbaVitality Liver Supplements Package Below:

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